Saturday, July 10, 2010

MAMA*D* Review.

I love entering contests online-comment contests are the best- well, i won a couple of things from MAMA*D* and couldn't help but review her items!!

For Brennan i recieved a little lovie-that looks like this-

She also sent bailey a lovey with a girly'peace'fabric( no pics,sorry! )
and she sent bailey this gorgeous dora dress ( without the straps!)

I was VERY pleased with the quality of her products! they are soo cute and i think her prices are very reasonable!!In fact, if i was her i would probably charge a bit more!!

The dress is still a bit big on bailey(shes a short stuff!) but she'll grown into it! Bailey loves both of the lovies(yep,she stole her brothers!) and i love all three of the items! If you are ever in the mood to buy a blanket,hair bows,flowers, etc- check out mama*D* on facebook -

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