Monday, May 24, 2010

You should be on camera,too!

Have you ever been out at the zoo or at a family gathering and wanted to take a picture with someone,but could never get someone to help take a picture?Guess What? Now you don't have to!!
Browsing online this morning, i came across a really awesome product called the Xshot!
What is the Xshot you ask? It is a very handy camera extender that can be anywhere from 9" to 37" long.It holds camera's up to a total of 1.25 lbs ( the average digital camera! ) The Xshot! weighs only 5oz,How cool is that?!
I love the idea of the Xshot! as you can take photos with friends and family without the classic " arm in the shot" showing that you took the picture yourself... I also love that if you are at a family gathering you can take a picture with EVERYONE in the group instead of having someone sit out to take the picture!! 
So you want one yourself? Want to check it out a bit more and see how what you think? 
Feel free to visit Xshot! 

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